Flutter is a framework developed by Google for Mobile Application development. It is really easy to develop a mobile application using Flutter compared to conventional Android development and also Flutter is becoming popular rapidly nowadays.

After learning Flutter, I wanted to develop a mobile application and I was thinking of a use case. One day, I was at a sprint planning session in my workplace and my team lead was logging all the tasks which were assigned to team members, in an Excel sheet. This is a bit of a tiresome process and I got the idea that it would be better to have an application to log these kind of data easily. Further because of this project, I got the opportunity to learn how to publish an application to Play Store.

Planner application mainly helps to manage projects among team members. Application has the ability to add members and create project sheets. Through project sheets you can

  1. Select members for the projects
  2. Define project duration
  3. Mark holidays within project period
  4. Mark leaves of project members
  5. Delegate tasks to project members
  6. Allocate time to finish the tasks

Download Planner now!

Get it on Google Play

Check the instruction page in the application or intro video to identify the functionality.

Screen shots of the applications

  1. Flutter tutorial by The Net Ninja