
Aug 2021 - Present
Software Engineer - H2O.ai
Aug 2019 - Aug 2021
Software Engineer - PickMe (Digital Mobility Solutions Lanka (PVT) Ltd)
★ Implementing ETL Pipelines to extract raw data from Production databases to the Data lake
    • Apache Hadoop Framework experience
    • Apache Sqoop for importing data
    • MapReduce Programmes (Java) to process data
    • Uploading data to Hive tables
    • Azkaban for creating workflows
★ Implementing business use cases, logics and algorithms to render data needs
    • Customer Recommendations, Merchant analytics etc
    • Hive queries and Spark programmes (Scala) - batch and near-real-time
    • Apache Sqoop and Kafka for exporting data
    • MapReduce utility programmes (Java) for data uploading to HBase
    • Azkaban for creating workflows
★ Designing and implementing Data Service API
    • Play Framework (Java)
★ Helping in data science projects - Promo Analysis
★ Assisting in mentoring newbies
Feb 2019 - Aug 2019
Associate Software Engineer - PickMe (Digital Mobility Solutions Lanka (PVT) Ltd)
★ Working on Data Science projects
    • Finding optimum locations to place drivers based on the demand using clustering
    • Finding suitable places for new merchants based on demand using clustering
June 2017 - Dec 2017
Intern Technical Engineering - Synopsys Lanka (Pvt) Ltd
★ Creating, testing, and debugging test cases for SPYGLASS Analyzer
    • Verilog
    • VHDL
    • System Verilog
★ Writing Bash Scripts for utility tasks


2020 - 2021 (expected)
MSC in Computer Science specialized in Data Science - University of Moratuwa

Thesis title: Coreference Resolution in Sinhala (in progress)

2014 - 2018
Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.) (Hons) in Electronic and Telecommunication - University of Moratuwa
★ GPA - 3.69/4.20
★ Activities
    • Assistant Secretary of E-Club
    • Environmental director of LEO Club of University of Moratuwa
    • Member of Nature Team
    • Member of IEEE University of Moratuwa Student Branch
2000 - 2013
Rahula College - Matara
★ Island rank - 36 in GCE(A/L) examination - 2013 with a z-score of 2.5936
★ Island rank - 9 in GCE(O/L) examination - 2010
★ Activities
    • Senior Prefect at Board of Prefects (2009-2012)